Saturday, July 17, 2010


There appears no good way for the DeKalb County School System to meet the mandate. Apparently, so many schools in DeKalb County have not made AYP this year DeKalb County has had to go to annex schools because there is no room for trailers in the schools or due to this being a safer and better for the students. I am sure much planning went into this process before there was a final decision made.

I do not like what I see. However, I also know there are many problems that exist by the students leaving the schools that do not make AYP. Behind vacant wings of schools are left when students leave. What do we do with these wings? These vacant wings are not being used, while more trailers are being rented or purchased.

I want to see long-term solutions made so we do not have school making AYP lists. We have to take DeKalb County into the 21st century. We have to get a school superintendent who is a leader, with a vision, that people want to follow and that can get the job done. We will have to pay this person a high salary to get them if we can find them.

I think Dr. Tyson has done an excellent job under the circumstances. I just wish the picture looked differently than it does. However, I do believe she went through the problem-solving process with her team and this was the best alternative that they found to meet the needs of the DeKalb County Schools at this time. There is not easy solution to this problem.

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